Guests & Beneficiaries

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Our Honorable Guests

H.E. Suhail Mohd Al Zarooni

Lt Gen Zameer Uddin Shah, Retired Senior General, Indian Army. Ex Vice Chancellor, AMU

Brigadier Syed Ahmad Ali Senior Retired officer, Indian Army. Ex- Pro-Vice Chancellor, AMU

Sri Arvind Singh Gope, Ex Cabinet Minister, U. P. Government

Janab Muzaffar Ali, Filmmaker.

Beneficiary &
Lifetime Achievement Awards

Beneficiary Award Presented to Late Adil Lucknowi Sahab
Beneficiary Award Presented to Janab Basheer Farooqui
Life Time Achievement Award to Late Bekhud Lucknowi Recieved by his grand daughter
Life Time Achievement Award presented to Late Wajahat Farooqui

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